DNA Health SCANs


How Does Bio-resonance Biofeedback Work? 

Each organ, tissue, and cell in our body has a distinct frequency, when instructions are sent to the body from the brain.  Biofeedback systems can use the brain to listen in and pick up the information. Using our machine, we can trace the changes in pathology and infections by observing the characteristics of these wavelengths and the changes in the tissues and cells of the body, which we then use to decipher what is going on within and create a bespoke protocol to help the animal come back into homeostasis and a health balance.
What can be done with a scan?

* Pathology (Health conditions and diseases of the body)

* Parasites, Microorganisms, Fungus, Mould, Worms, Bacteria’s, Viruses

* Different groups of Allergens (Food, Household, Pharmaceutical etc.)

* Biochemical Homeostasis (How balanced the Hormones/Vitamins/Minerals etc. are)

* Meta-therapy treatment to restore balance to the tissues of the body and also to depower bugs, viruses, parasites, bacteria's etc.

* Bespoke remedies from Energetic medicines and homeopathy to Bach Flower remedies.

* Your animals personal items tested to see if they are having a beneficial or negative impact on their health and wellbeing. For example, their supplements, grooming products, bedding, hay, grass, feed, washing products etc.

Because the Scan works from a DNA sample, it doesn't matter where in the world your animal is, as long as you have a postal service, a DNA Health Scan and treatment plan can be carried out for your animal.

In the video below Keri explains how this works, how it can help your animal, some examples of what can be treated and what to do should you decide to go ahead.

Charges:- Full Scan £95 / Full Scan with up to 10 personal samples for testing £140 / Urgent Scan £130 / Re-scan £70 (re-scan is up to 6 months after initial scan, after this you would need a full scan done again)

If you have any further questions regarding the DNA Health scan and whether it would be suitable for your Animal’s needs, please do reach out and contact us.

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how does it all work? your questions answered.